Shores of Knowhere Discord Server
An adults-only discord server for fans of Skinny Puppy, their side projects, and other similar bands!
Shores of Knowhere
The purpose of this server is to be a welcoming and inclusive place for adult SP fans, new and old, to come together and talk about the music & our experiences with the band, share artwork inspired by the band, help each other discover more music, and make connections with fellow fans.The reason for the server being 18+ is because there are very few adults-only spaces online outside of porn sites, and we wanted a music-centered place that allows for less restricted conversations, and more room to talk about the less family-friendly songs and music videos produced by industrial bands.
Welcoming to new & old fans
Whether you've been a dedicated fan for 30 years, or if today's your first day ever listening to the band, everyone is welcome to join and participate.
Notification & cosmetic roles
The server has roles you can select to be notified of news, server updates, etc., as well as cosmetic roles you can select to change the color of your name to match the theme of an album.